Re-Entry Services
Returning to the community from being incarcerated is a difficult transition for most residents, as well as for their families and communities. Upon re-entering society, former residents are likely to struggle with substance abuse, lack of education and job skills, limited housing options, and mental health issues.
West Central places an emphasis on developing contact with community resources to eliminate barriers to re-entry for residents. Most obstacles a resident will encounter upon release can be anticipated and addressed while at West Central.
M.A.T.-Medication Assisted Treatment
West Central is one of a few facilities that offer Medication-Assisted Treatment for opiod and alcohol addictions at NO
cost to residents. West Central utilizes Vivitrol/Naltrexone. Medications are an essential component of an ongoing treatment plan enabling residents to regain control of their health and their lives.
**Visit the Vivitrol website and view patient stories
For additional information regarding Vivitrol, please follow the link.
**Visit the Vivitrol website
JRIG - Justice Re-Investment Incentive Grant
The JRIG Program provides case management for Champaign, Delaware, Logan, and Union counties. These 4 counties work together with probation and parole offices to meet the needs of the offenders. All case management services are free. Case managers will create a treatment plan for each offender and referrals will be made to partnering agencies within each community.
Here is a list of services case managers help to provide:
Schedule and monitor mental health appointments
Medicated Assisted Treatment (M.A.T.)
Filing for Medicaid
Assist in obtaining in-patient detox programs
Transportation to appointments
Employment Search
Crisis Intervention
The following is a list of Group Classes offered:
Substance Abuse
Emotional Well-Being
Parenting and Addiction
Thinking for a Change
CBT4CBT (Computer-Based Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Behavioral Health Assessments/Counseling With Community Partners
West Central partners with agencies throughout the 8 counties it serves to provide both drug and alcohol assessments and counseling, as well as mental health assessments and counseling. Counseling services continue the CBT programming residents have received while at West Central.
Ohio Benefits Bank
West Central is an authorized representative of the Ohio Benefits Bank. West Central re-entry staff coordinates the process of registering residents for food assistance, cash assistance, and Medicaid. Residents will contact the Department of Jobs & Family Services upon completion of the program.
Community Linkage Partnerships
Community Partners
Birth Certificate / Identification Program
West Central case managers will work with residents to help them obtain copies of birth certificates, state I.D.’s, and driver’s licenses (if applicable).